Admission Process & Checklist

Admissions Timeline

Important Documents
For more information, contact:
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is the tuition at Jesuit Academy?
A: The overall cost of tuition to attend Jesuit Academy is $17,500 per year. The commitment from Jesuit families in regards to tuition is based on a sliding scale:
• Families are asked to pay at minimum $50 a month for 10 months ($500). -
Q: My son isn't Catholic, will the school try to convert him?
A: We are a Catholic school, but the majority of our students are not Catholic. At Jesuit, we celebrate the faith backgrounds of all students and teach Christian, gospel values along with the Jesuit charisms of being Men and Women for Others, Cura Personalis (Care of the Person), and a Commitment to Justice. Jesuit staff come from many faith backgrounds and do not try to convert students to a different faith.
Q: Does my son have to be entering 4th grade to enroll?
A: The primary entry grade at Jesuit is 4th, but students are accepted into other grades if spots are available.
Q: Where can I get the enrollment forms?
A: You can get forms from the school office or download and print them from the above section entitled "Important Documents."